Grand Slam
GrandSlam volume 1.iso
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Text File
78 lines
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SimCity 2000 From Maxis
Quick Docs
The Terrain Toolbar
--- ------- -------
|_____| <-- Make a Coast
|_____| <-- Make a River
| | | |
| | | | <-- Slider
|_____| <-- Generate New Landscape
Raise Terrain --> |__|__| <-- Lower the Terrain
Stretch the Terrain --> |__|__| <-- Stretch the Terrain
Raise Sea Level --> |__|__| <-- Lower Sea Level
Place Water --> |__|__| <-- Place Stream
Place Tree --> |__|__| <-- Place Forest
Zoom Out --> |__|__| <-- Zoom In
Rotate Counter Clockwise --> |__|__| <-- Rotate Clockwise
Center --> |__|__| <-- Help
|_____| <-- Leave Terrain Mode and Goto
City Mode
The City Toolbar
--- ---- -------
__ __ __
1) Bulldozer 2) Landscape --> |__|__|__| <-- Emergency
1) Power 2) Water --> |__|__|__| <-- Rewards
1) Roads 2) Rails --> |__|__|__| <-- Parks
1) Residential 2) Commercial --> |__|__|__| <-- Industrial Zones
1) Education 2) City Services --> |__|__|__| <-- Recreation
Signs --> |__|__| <-- Query
Rotate Counter Clockwise --> _|__|__| <-- Rotate ClockWise
1) Zoom in 2) Zoom Out --> |__|__|__| <-- Center
Map Windows --> |__|__| G <-- Graphs Window
Population Window --> |__|__| R <-- Industry Window
Neighbors Window --> |__|__| A <-- Budget Window
Show Buildings --> |__|__| P <-- Show Signs
Show Infrastructure --> |__|__| H <-- Show Zones
Underground --> |__|__| S <-- Help
Graphs are Indicators are of wether or not you have to much or not enough
of residential, industry, and commercial. If it is positive, That means that
more is needed, negative means you have too much for now. If there is no
graph, that means you have the right amount.
1) Is the 1st Icon in that line(The one furthest left)
2) is the 2nd Icon in that line(The one in the center)
The Cursor Keys scroll the terrain in the City Window
Home = Zoom in Tool
End = Zoom out tool
Del = rotates the screen counter-clockwise
Page Down = rotates the screen clockwise
Shift click = Help
Shift click anywhere in your city = activate the query function and bring up
little information Windows
Press the shift before you release the mouse button = cancel the placement of
roads, rail, subways, zones etc
Click the Right Mouse Button = Temporarily Activate the center tool, and press
the Control Key to bulldoze.